As usual this morning i am start to type keyboard for beautiful pouring of coastal him on this morning in bali, at the same time type don't desist my him thank you to my laptop because have will assist I finish all work. Besides work also will amuse this ear with music, this eye with video and also connect me with friends in all the world with internet. With my him write this blog till you can read it and recognize me. Hi closed friend if you not yet had laptop you can look for it in internet shop and also buying it, don't forget yes if have bought it inform me in this blog. Wait we can each other converting information, cultural and mores. Although different us of my language and culture sure we still able to comprehending each other although with bizzare and unique language.
I am sorry friend because my language very bizzare because me non one who is the expert in saying word but that way I hope this article can present information passing state boundary and culture, so welcome to enjoying on beautiful of bali on the morning.